Minor changes in design (like increased arc) caused the wing to be more agile. Special joints between mylar reinforcements and synthetic rods (as in e.g. Hadron) result in easier inflation of the canopy and increased stability of the leading edge. The paraglider launches easily and smoothly rises over your head.
Speed ranges have been slightly widened too. Another news is the ALC+ (improved ALC steering system) – it is more effective and balanced, so that steering appears to be smoother.
Despite rather minor changes, Nucleon WRC is not covered by the standard version certificates. Therefore all pilots caring for certified paragliders should stay by original Nucleon, which remains in regular, serial production.
Nucleon 2?
After longish testing of the Nucleons WRC (with FET technology) it turned out that relatively minor modifications resulted in surprisingly good effects. A paraglider originally planned for the competitors remained pretty similar to classic Nucleon in terms of safety and stability, with considerable improvement of agility, top speed and launch behaviour.
Thus all those deeming better flying Nucleon more important than having a certificate, should consider obtaining the WRC version (note: this is not a competitor-only paraglider!). ActuaIly it’s so good, that for the time being we do not plan on a Nucleon 2 at all. And since naming the WRC a ‘Nucleon 2’ would be excessive (it does not differ enough), we stick to the Nucleon WRC. Although the WRC in our nomenclature means ‘With Rod Concept’, similarities between Nulceon WRC and to fast cars of the World Rally Championships are not lost on us 🙂
Nucleon WRC is an Action/Reaction wing, built around the idea of linear acceleration (equal share of trimmer/speedsystem effect), and limited reflexivity at slow trimmer settings. As a result we got a 100% reflex PPG sport paraglider with top performance, exceptional safety in its class (not worse than already legendary Reaction), and steering characteristics at low speeds similar to the classic profile paragliders).
The Nucleon incorporates a number of proven and some novel concepts improving flight comfort and performance.
FET – Flexi Edge Technology 
Upgraded Nucleon features Dudek Flexi Egde technology. Precise shape of the leading edge is ensured by reinforcements of laminated cloth combined with synthetic rods, which significantly improve launch performance and protect the paraglider against collapses at high speeds.
CSG – Canopy Shape Guard 
Most of all, the CSG oversees three key factors:
– it forms the canopy, so that its shape remains as close to designed 3D image as possible, with equally distributed loads. Lack of attention here would result in irregular surface with balloons instead of flat cells (unfortunately, stil quite a frequent sight, even owing of ‘renowned’ manufacturers).
– CSG stabilizes canopy in flight. No pilot likes to see his wing moving like an accordion, especially as it does significantly hamper its performance.
– CSG improves durability of the paraglider. Simple designs pay for locally accumulated stress with deformations – the most dangerous are those visible as lateral faults on the upper surface between suspension line rows. With the Nucleon WRC that danger is practically eliminated.
CSG consists of following subsystems:
- VSS (V-shaped Supports) – densely placed diagonal supports, bolstering each rib on both sides (most wings have only one-sided supports). Their size, shape and placement make sure that no lateral folds will occur – a vital point in preserving laminar airflow, especially at high speeds.
- RSS (Reinforcing Strap System) – an independent reinforcement net on lower surface, strengthening and stiffening the whole canopy.
- OCD (Optimized Crossports Design) – the intercellar openings of carefully designed shapes, optimally placed between stress lines in the ribs.
- CCS (Closed Cell Structure) – This is a number of closed cells in the most important places. Its goal is to hinder the backflow from the cells out, thus facilitating their refill and canopy recovery in case of a collape.
The only flaws of the CSG are the increase in weight (about 1 kg), material- and labour consumption, and of course overall cost. Yet it is well worth the sweat, as in turn we get a no-compromise product of highest performance and quality, able to keep its original parameters for a long, long time.
Laser Technology 
Nucleon WRC is manufactured in new technology, utilising capabiities of precise laser cutter. The entire production process takes place at our Kowalewo facility, ensuring European quality and personal supervision of the designer himself.
Upper surface is made of Dominico Tex cloth (38 and 41 g/m2 weight).
Lower surface features the same cloth of 34 g/m2 weight.
Ribs are made of Porcher Skytex 40 Hard covered with E29a impregnate.
All reinforcements are made of laminated SR-Scrim cloth.
All Nucleon lines have coloured polyester sheath. Due to low number of lines we’ve made sure they are strong enough by choosing brown Technora core. In this way rigging remains strong and reliable.
Metal parts
All quick-links between risers and suspension lines are made of polished stainless-steel, with proven durability and restiance to corrosion. We use exclusively the attested quicklinks of French Peguet company. In our opinion and that of many other leading companies these are the best products available.
ACS – Auto Cleaning Slots
On the wingtips you can find dedicated slots, automatically removing dirt from the canopy.
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